⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I give 5 stars for these leggings which keep you warm during the day cold autumn and winter. The quality is very good for this price. The wool inside is super soft and pleasant to wear. The pants breathe well and you don't sweat at all. I recommend them!" Lisa M.
Autumn has arrived and cold days are now part of our daily lives. You are, however, decidednot to give up on seducing even if we have to stay covered! Wool Leggings will allow you to spend cold days in the snow or walks with friends in the best conditions while staying warm.
1. Superior quality manufacturing
Wool Leggings is a legging with lining which is particularly suitable for young women.
The elasticity of spandex is 10 to 20% which allows optimal extension while maintaining excellent firmness.
2. Warm and comfortable lining
The inner lining is particularly warm, comfortable and of high quality.
Machine washing will therefore have minimal impact on maintaining the quality of your leggings.
3. Style and chic despite the cold
The production has been carried out with care so that the appearance of Leggings Wool is as aesthetic as possible while allowing you to keep warm.
The only difference of Wool Leggings compared to standard leggings, Wool Leggings will keep you warm even in extreme temperatures -30℃.
4. Size guide
Attention: leggings must be worn with high-top shoes. Size small take a size larger if in doubt
5. Our Guarantee
We strive to offer you the most innovative products on the market. We guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied. If you are not satisfied, for any reason, contact us and we will make it right for you.
4 good reasons to buy from us:
✅ Order yours now and receive them at home within 7 to 15 days.